
Myths vs Facts: All Fixed Wireless Providers are the Same

Posted by MHO Networks on Sep 3, 2024 9:30:00 AM

In the world of fixed wireless internet, not all providers are created equal. As businesses and consumers increasingly turn to fixed wireless solutions for their connectivity needs, understanding the differences between providers is crucial. Let's explore the key factors that set fixed wireless providers apart: technology, deployment methods, speed and reliability, and customer service.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, High Speed Internet, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, IT Planning, Myth Vs Fact

The Importance of Internet Upload Speeds

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 27, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Why Dedicated Fixed Wireless is Better Than Satellite Services

What goes up must come down.” English mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton is reputed to have uttered this famous observation relating to gravity, but it could also be said of Internet communications. Sending information “up and down” (or to and from) the Internet requires the best upload speeds and download speeds. This is especially critical for modern businesses. 

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Point-to-Point Microwave, Connectivity, real time, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Network Efficiency

Benefits of Fixed Wireless in Colorado

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 12, 2023 9:21:59 AM

Colorado has a unique pattern of weather and terrain conditions that can contribute to Internet reliability problems. Because of this, it is vital to understand the benefits of an alternate Internet method to more traditional options like fiber. Let’s explore the benefits of using Fixed Wireless Internet in Colorado.  

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, network performance, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, IT Manager, Colorado Business, IT Planning, IT Leader

Dedicated Fixed Wireless Internet Fun Facts for 2023

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 6, 2023 10:00:00 AM

What do you really know about dedicated wireless Internet? Fixed wireless can seem mysterious, which is why it is often misunderstood. Dedicated fixed wireless Internet connections are just as reliable as a fiber connection — in fact, even more reliable! Get the facts on dedicated wireless Internet and enjoy some fun facts. 

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, Point-to-Point Microwave, High Speed Internet, Internet Access, Internet Connection, Internet Services, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

How to Get Business Internet Last Minute

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 22, 2022 10:30:00 AM

Whether you’re opening a branch of your business in a new location or undergoing an office expansion, your access to the Internet is vital. Too many companies switch locations believing that getting a network up and running is always fast and easy — as if getting the Internet last minute is something any ISP can do for them. 

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Topics: Business Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Fast Installation

What is the Best Way to Configure your Multi-Office Network?

Posted by MHO Networks on May 10, 2022 8:38:00 AM

Connecting multiple offices to a secure, reliable network can be complicated. While many companies need to connect buildings in close proximity, others may need to unify hub offices, branches and a large contingent of remote and hybrid workers simultaneously. 

Ways of working have changed drastically over the past few years  - employees are more remote than ever before, and the large corporate headquarters of yesteryear is no longer the norm for doing business. It is far more common for employees to now do hotdesking or shared desk space. Along with this evolution, hybrid and remote working has created added security and collaboration challenges. 

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Topics: Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Metro Ethernet, Network Access

Supply Chain Difficulties Causing Fiber Delivery Delays

Posted by MHO Networks on Feb 17, 2022 8:30:00 AM

Disruptions to the supply chain across the world is old news. What is current and unwelcome news are all the price hikes, shortages, delays, and many other dilemmas caused by this global disruption. Installing fiber Internet infrastructure is not immune to the wave of supply chain disruptions. The supply chain issues seem to be impacting fiber installations at a higher proportion. 

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Fiber, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

New “MHO Link” Fills a Need for a Dedicated Network Serving Multiple Teams and Locations

Posted by MHO Networks on Jan 18, 2022 8:00:00 AM

There are new needs for fast and secure data transfers that arise all the time- especially between buildings and departments that are in close proximity. Consider the following example scenarios from real-life business growth needs.

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Topics: Customer Service, Data, network performance, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Last Mile, Fast Installation, Network Efficiency, Growth, Channel Partner, Wireless, Team

Not All Fixed Wireless are Created Equal

Posted by MHO Networks on Nov 2, 2021 10:45:00 AM

George Orwell put forth the allegorical truth in his pivotal work that “All animals are equal; but some animals are more equal than others.” That controversial premise can often be applied to many other circumstances. This includes the realm of Fixed Wireless Internet and Networking. 

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

Are the New Tech Hubs Set Up with Networks Needed to Succeed?

Posted by MHO Networks on May 12, 2021 9:45:00 AM

As the pandemic seems to be loosening its grip on society, we have witnessed a migration of tech and businesses to different areas of the country. We don’t believe legacy tech hubs will go away, but the investment is spreading to new tech hubs that include Austin, Atlanta, Raleigh, Nashville, Miami, and Denver. 

But with rapid growth comes its own problems. Aside from infrastructure, residential inventory, and cost of living increases, many businesses need to consider technical needs and requirements. 

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Topics: Fiber, Internet Access, Redundancy, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Diversity, Logistics

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