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The Next Generation of WAN is a Whole New Ball Game

Posted by MHO Networks on Sep 5, 2017 6:00:00 AM

While IT departments must work to provide wide-area network (WAN) operations to solve today's needs, the most astute are considering tomorrow's needs as well. That's got more than a few thinking about how to address those future needs, and what the WAN of tomorrow will look like.

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Topics: WAN (Wide Area Network)

[Infographic]: What Downtime Really Costs You

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 23, 2017 10:38:58 AM

An outage of any kind that causes downtime doesn't appear to cost much on the surface. It is the less obvious losses -- from productivity to reputation and beyond -- that form the true cost of a downtime incident.

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Topics: Network, Customer Service, Downtime, Uptime, Data, Productivity, Disaster Recovery

Why Point-to-Point Microwave Can Be Better Than Fiber

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 21, 2017 5:00:00 AM
On the surface, it might sound ludicrous. We all know what kind of capability fiber optic internet access has, so how can any other technology actually be better? As it turns out, fiber has an unexpected rival in the field, and that's fixed wireless, specifically point-to-point microwave technology.

Point-to-Point Microwave  a Match for Fiber in Latency

One of fiber's great strengths is its low latency, but as it turns out, fixed wireless is a match for fiber in transmission latency thanks to a simple concept: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. 

Since fiber is laid along the ground, it must go through the various twists and turns of connectivity. Point-to-point microwave on the other hand, is a straight shot between two points.

Fixed Wireless's Win in Efficiency

It might come as a bit of a shock, but there's a sufficient difference between the two that ZDNet wondered, not so long ago, if fiber's legacy would ultimately be as a woefully inefficient experiment in  internet service provision  gone wrong.

  • Easier to install. Consider for a moment why Google Fiber isn't running a lot of installations any more. Google Fiber got out of fiber essentially because fiber costs too much to put in. Fixed wireless, meanwhile, is significantly less expensive.
  • Faster to install. Here, easy equates to faster, as fixed wireless can be set up in days, depending on circumstances. A fiber project can take months start to finish due to the sheer amount of infrastructure involved.
  • More dependable. Fiber depends on wires, and wires can be cut, broken, or otherwise fail due to weather or other conditions. Fixed wireless has no such weaknesses, and thus is generally more dependable, improving its efficiency.

Fixed Wireless's Win in Speed

If the last part came as a shock, this part certainly will. In some cases, fiber's speed advantages can actually be matched or even beaten by fixed wireless. While gigabit fiber is starting to come increasingly into play, many businesses are looking for connections between 20 and 500 Mbps. 

Point-to-point microwave can readily match that, and in some cases, reach the gigabit range. Throw in the fact that electromagnetic waves transfer up to  50 percent faster  in the air than in cables of any sort and fixed wireless actually gets an edge in speed.

How Do I Get Started With Fixed Wireless?

If all of these points have you considering fixed wireless, then a great place to start getting access to this technology is  MHO Networks . MHO Networks offers fast installation, a guaranteed 10 business day delivery, and has the kind of experience you need to get the system installed correctly and rapidly. 
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Topics: Point-to-Point Microwave, Fiber

What the IoT and the Cloud are Doing to WANs

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 14, 2017 5:00:00 AM
While wide area networks (WANs) have been a going concern  since the 1970s , and changes have come and gone therein, some of the biggest changes seen yet are some of the most recent. Changes like the explosive growth of cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) mean big changes for the WAN.

The Very Fabric of WANs Has Altered

More and more networks are getting away from the old standard of multiprotocol label switching (MPLS), a big part of the WAN since the 1990s, and are moving instead to software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) technology. 

Many enterprise users are discovering that business-grade or even some consumer-facing internet connections are offering more bandwidth than standard WAN services. To pass up such options, therefore, would leave businesses at a marked disadvantage. 

Though not every business is moving in this direction, many are developing a  hybrid WAN environment  that calls on both the standard WAN and the overall internet to deliver the best in value.

Changes in the Cloud

The cloud in general is bringing some of the biggest changes to WAN. Greater scalability than ever is now readily accessible, and new options in apps are coming into play.

  • Increased scalability. With WAN and cloud systems working together, there's a better ability to take advantage of collocations and remote operations. Small and medium-sized business (SMB) users are particularly interested in this phenomenon, and more and more, the larger data center is pretty much a province of large-scale operations.
  • New app options. With increasing cloud-based options coming available, that means new apps available on every front. Using WAN to tap into those new apps opens up options ranging from big data analysis to customer relationship management (CRM) tools and more.

Changes From the IoT

The IoT is also representing a game-changing experience for WAN operations. Thanks to the IoT's nature as what amounts to an internet of interconnected systems, the end result is both opportunity and hazard.

  • Greater demand for security. With all this data flowing through a system, and more points than ever requiring access, the data prizes are richer and the means of access that much easier. A greater demand for security therefore, naturally follows.
  • Capacity management is almost as vital. New data is likely to stretch demand for bandwidth to a fever pitch. Trying to keep capacity straight will be vital to ensure the network can handle all the demands placed on it, making capacity management crucial. 

How Can I Manage All These Changes?

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes. While IoT and cloud systems will affect the WAN,  MHO Networks  has expertise in the connectivity that next-generation networks will require. Our experience in offering superior internet will help you take the greatest advantage of these new and powerful systems.
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Topics: WAN (Wide Area Network), IoT (Internet of Things)

SD-WAN: Your Network's Greatest New Friend

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 7, 2017 5:00:00 AM
With all the options there are these days for improving a network's operations, it's easy to look at the whole thing and wonder where in the world to start. For those considering software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN), it's one of the best options around in terms of improving network performance. 

SD-WAN Improves Traffic Flow

By adding SD-WAN operations to a standard office environment, that office can take advantage of significantly improved  network traffic flow  thanks largely to traffic prioritization.

Under a normal system, users are basically pulling bandwidth on a first-come-first-served basis. So if the sales department is sending a flood of emails out for its newest round of email marketing, but HR wants to stage a video conference, that leaves the two fighting over bandwidth. With traffic prioritization, the emails can be sent out intermittently to make the most use of available bandwidth.

SD-WAN Improves Network Reliability

That improvement in traffic flow is actually part of a larger improvement in network reliability. Sure, some will say here that that traffic flow can be improved with load balancers -- and it can to a degree -- but SD-WAN does more than that. It also improves overall network reliability. How? 

  • No more broadband backup. There's no longer a need to hold broadband connections as a backup with SD-WAN. Now, all broadband connections are available for use at all times, making a more reliable network.
  • Improve error correction. SD-WAN systems allow for both forward error correction and packet error correction. With multiple error corrections going on at once, that improves the overall stability of the network and reduces the odds of failure.
  • Add overall bandwidth. The typical local area network (LAN) is running at gigabit speed, while WAN tends to run in the megabit range. By stepping up to an SD-WAN, the gap is somewhat closed, meaning more bandwidth.

SD-WAN Improves Network Costs

Bottom line impact is one of the greatest impacts any new product or service can boast. Reducing costs means improving profit, as long as revenue remains static. SD-WAN, meanwhile, can reduce costs on several fronts, as an  Aberdeen Essentials  study found.

  • Reduced downtime. If network downtime drops, then there's more able to be done in the same time. Formerly lost opportunities can be acted on. Businesses using SD-WAN are 25 percent more likely to see less downtime.
  • Reduced capital spending. A network up more often means less costly physical augmentation. Sixty-five percent of businesses with SD-WANs saw at least some reductions in capital expenditures.
  • Better branch connections. Connecting various branches allows information to be more readily shared and used appropriately. SD-WAN is specifically meant to improve inter-branch connections.

How Do I Get Started With SD-WAN?

If you're ready to learn about technologies that can improve your network, then you're ready to call  MHO Networks . Whether among branches or with the outside world, MHO Networks can help you establish the connectivity your business needs to succeed.
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Topics: SD-WAN

The Real Cost of Downtime

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 24, 2017 9:00:00 AM

On the surface, it would be easy to think that system downtime really doesn't cost anything. No one ever gets a bill for downtime, after all. In some cases, when a service level agreement (SLA) has been violated, it can even prompt taking something off the bill. 


However, downtime can have many costs that users don't consider. The real costs of downtime aren't always measured in dollars and cents, but many of them can have an affect on the bottom line all the same.

What Might Have Been

A familiar concept to economists--though not always so familiar everywhere else--is opportunity cost. Opportunity costs are costs incurred by not pursuing an opportunity, either by inaction or deliberate choice. When a business doesn't pursue a million-dollar line of business because of perceived lack of potential, the opportunity cost is that million dollars. If a company holds cash, for one reason or another, without placing it in an interest-bearing vehicle, the lost interest is an opportunity cost.

Downtime creates huge opportunity costs. When employees can't work thanks to a down network or application or anything else that experiences downtime, that business's employees are incurring opportunity cost. Not only can the employees not produce, which means that potential gain is lost, but the employees must still be paid, which turns into real cost as well.

Reputation Lost

Another less quantifiable but still important cost of downtime is reputation. It's well known that more people will tell others about bad service than about good. A 2014

American Express study found that the number of people talking about bad service beat those talking about good by a factor of almost three to one. 

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Topics: Customer Service, Downtime, Customer Experience, SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Fixed Wireless Fills the Gap in Bandwidth Demand

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 17, 2017 9:00:00 AM

There’s a growing demand for Internet access, with the world’s usage to include 48 percent of the global population this year. In many countries, the access to an adequate Internet connection will come up short. In 2017 and beyond, the role of fixed wireless will become more important, making it possible to meet the needs of consumers and businesses.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless

Companies Need Managed Services to Handle BYOD Pressure on WAN

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 10, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs are becoming common in many corporations. IT divisions like them because it reduces wear and tear on the company’s equipment, and employees like the comfort of using their own devices. The main challenge of such programs, though, is managing the increased pressure on the company’s network.

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How Fixed Wireless Addresses Modern Scalability Needs

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 19, 2017 10:00:00 AM

It’s expected that the number of Internet users around the world will reach 3.6 billion of the population, or 48 percent, this year. The demand for a high speed connection challenges the copper and fiber options and their ability to reach both dense urban and rural areas. For companies looking for ample bandwidth and flexibility, the speed and scalability of copper and fiber come up short, too.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless

[Infographic] Fixed Wireless: What You Need To Know

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 15, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Fixed wireless is a kind of Internet service that is accomplished with radio signals. It offers many of the same things wired broadband offers -- without the need to run cable. There are many reasons to use fixed wireless service. If you're considering utilizing it for your business, there are a few things you need to know.

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Infographic

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