
3 Scary Things That Will Keep IT Leaders Up at Night

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 31, 2019 10:15:00 AM

Technology of varying levels is imperative for businesses both large and small. As a CTO, CIO, or leader of a tech team, you have many frightening responsibilities. The success of your company can soar as high as a full moon, or plummet to grave-like depths, according to how well you: 


  • Build a company plan for using technology
  • Teach new technologies and how to use them to staff 
  • Test and integrate new technology and infrastructure

Many times these tasks can seem like rebuilding the Frankenstein monster. The nature and complexity of the job and its demands are enough to keep all but the bravest IT professionals up at night. After working with many of these leaders, MHO has compiled our list of the 3 scariest things that can keep IT leaders up at night. 

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Topics: Downtime, IT Manager, MPLS, Colorado Business, Bay Area Business, Dallas Business, Los Angeles Business, Orange County Business, San Diego Business, Network Efficiency, Inland Empire Business, Technology, CIO

[Infographic]: How to Streamline IT Communications

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 30, 2019 10:15:00 AM

With many moving parts in your IT department, procedures and protocols are often forgotten or get buried from higher priority tasks. Below are some things to consider to help streamline IT communications and ways to get ahead of any potential issues.

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Topics: network performance, Infographic, Colorado Business, Bay Area Business, Los Angeles Business, Orange County Business, San Diego Business, Network Efficiency, Network Access, Inland Empire Business, Documentation Management

Top Difficulties Installing an Enterprise Network

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 16, 2019 10:28:00 AM

The networking infrastructure in any large enterprise company is extraordinarily complex. Planning for installing an enterprise network must include the process of coordination between vendors, service providers, and the company. And, all too often, deploying the network is the last roadblock before opening a new location, so the pressure is on everyone to get it right. 

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Topics: Network, Customer Service, Customer Experience, SLA (Service Level Agreement), Low Latency, network performance, Fast Installation, Colorado Business, Bay Area Business, Dallas Business, Los Angeles Business, Orange County Business, San Diego Business, Network Efficiency, Network Access, Inland Empire Business

Why Network Documentation Management is Key for Scaling Your Business Network

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 8, 2019 1:36:00 PM

Businesses know the importance of keeping up with vital documents. In the current digital age, this is primarily handled by some form of document management solution. These include some way to input documents, collate them, tag them for easy referencing, store them, and retrieve them when necessary. The same basic system is needed for your company’s network documentation management. 

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Topics: Network, IT Manager, Business Tools, Network Efficiency, Network Access, Documentation Management

What is Network Access Control?

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 1, 2019 10:18:00 AM

Just like protecting yourself in adverse weather is best accomplished by dressing in layers, the best cybersecurity is a layered defense. An essential layer is Network Access Control (NAC), which is taking actions to restrict access to your network by unauthorized users and devices. Access control is a basic line of defense that prevents network breaches and protects you against legal vulnerabilities. 

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Topics: Network, Security, Network Security, Business Tools, Network Efficiency, Network Access

What Businesses Can Do to Improve Network Efficiency

Posted by MHO Networks on Sep 25, 2019 10:28:00 AM

Modern enterprise networks demand the utmost in network efficiency. And yet, their needs are extremely complex, and there are numerous potential causes of degraded performance. Add to this a plethora of traffic types competing for the available amount of resources. A fitting analogy would be rush hour traffic in San Francisco. Too many vehicles trying to use the available freeways amounts to massive slowdowns; and any mishap only causes more delay. 

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Topics: Business Internet, network performance, Business Tools, Colorado Business, Bay Area Business, Dallas Business, Los Angeles Business, Orange County Business, San Diego Business, Network Efficiency, Inland Empire Business

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