Like water, sewage, and electricity, stable and reliable internet access has become an essential utility for the healthcare industry. With more mission-critical applications and data sources moving to cloud computing, connectivity issues that result in internet downtime can become costly. And with healthcare internet services, costs can often be measured in more ways than money.
Comparing Healthcare Internet Services: Fixed Wireless vs. Traditional Providers
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Internet Connection, Redundancy, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless
There's one discovery I seem to make repeatedly in the internet service industry, and that is that businesses are often misled when it comes to the redundancy of their networks.
Topics: Internet Connection, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet
A quote, commonly attributed to Franz Kafka, sums up the nature of redundancy and its ultimate value: “Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.” We live our lives according to this principle in one way or another: we hide a front door key near the house, we carry spare tires and jumper cables in our cars, we buy generators and stock freezers. Redundancy is not a waste of time, as long as it's used the right way.
Topics: Internet Connection, Redundancy