
[Infographic]: Internet "Must-Haves" for Automobile Dealerships

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 30, 2019 10:08:00 AM


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Topics: Internet Access, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Infographic, Metro Ethernet, Last Mile, Local Loop, Automobile Dealership

Easterseals Organization Was in a Pinch for Time

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 10, 2019 9:28:00 AM

Nonprofit Organization Needed Enterprise Reliability with Fast Installation

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Topics: Customer Service, Customer Experience, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), enterprise, Redundancy, Case Study, Fast Installation

[Infographic]: Internet Must-Haves for Healthcare Institutions

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 9, 2019 10:28:00 AM

Having reliable internet for your organization is key when caring for patients. Here are some "must-haves" for your network in order to do what you do best, taking care of your patients.

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Topics: Business Internet, Internet Connection, Internet Services, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Healthcare Providers, Infographic

Large Healthcare Provider Experiences "Ah-Ha" Moment with MHO

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 2, 2019 10:18:00 AM

Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) Case Study

MHO is a Godsend.” - David Franck, Senior Network Engineer, HCA

This is quite an extraordinary statement from an experienced corporate network engineer who is in charge of Internet and networking operations for a large medical corporation that spans two countries. And yet, concluding his testimony about how MHO handled HCAs networking and connectivity needs, this was his summary statement.

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Topics: Customer Service, Uptime, Disaster Recovery, Business Internet, Connectivity, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Network Security, Internet Connection, Redundancy, Healthcare Providers, Case Study

The Most Reliable Internet

Posted by MHO Networks on Mar 27, 2019 10:38:00 AM

Today’s businesses require the most reliable Internet connectivity possible. Staying connected is vital when your boss demands that company operations run all day, every day, and even in off hours. And especially when he holds you responsible. When companies must run some aspect of their operations 24/7, it’s important to realize the importance of redundancy.

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Topics: Downtime, Internet Access, Connectivity, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Internet Services, Redundancy

The Future of Fixed Wireless

Posted by MHO Networks on Mar 19, 2019 10:28:00 AM

Early each year, industry and business leaders look ahead to what they can expect in the coming 12 months. In this article, MHO shares how we see the future of fixed wireless, and how it will continue to benefit users through the coming year. If you’re curious about how a fixed wireless Internet connection could benefit your business, keep reading, then contact us with your questions.

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, Point-to-Point Microwave, 5G, Connectivity, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Services, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

Newly Developed Areas: How Large Companies are Moving & Gaining Connectivity

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 9, 2018 10:21:00 AM
On the cusp of a complete physical relocation? You likely have a lot of concerns about keeping your data secure and your servers online during the transition.  Office relocations are disruptive for businesses of any size, especially considering the staggering number of operations that now occur online. If your phones, internet conne ction, and/or data lines aren’t all up and running by the time you make your big move, your business could suffer significantly.
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Topics: Fixed Wireless, High Speed Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Low Latency, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Metro Ethernet

[Infographic]: We're Unlike Any Other...Get to Know MHO!

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 6, 2018 9:38:00 AM

Ever wonder how MHO is different from other fixed-wireless providers? Get to know us through this infographic and see how we can help you and your business thrive.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Low Latency, Internet Services, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Infographic, Metro Ethernet

Redundancy in Enterprises: Is Your Business Prepared for a Digital Disaster?

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 24, 2018 9:28:00 AM

For most people outside of the tech industry, the word “redundancy” likely conjures phrases such as “sum total” or brings to mind the face of an employee who’s no longer necessary. But in the realm of networking, redundancy is a sought-after element of a reliable network. Think of it as a spare tire or an insurance policy in case your connection collapses .

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Downtime, Business Internet, Redundancy

How Fixed Wireless Internet Redundancy Helps Keep and Attract Tenants for Properties

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 13, 2018 10:18:00 AM

Many commercial multi-tenant buildings, hotels, multi-dwelling apartment buildings, don’t have sufficient internet for their tenants. Or, they may allow their tenants to purchase their own connections. The result is multiple suppliers needing access and a host of connections running throughout the building.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Low Latency, Internet Services, Multi-Tenant Internet, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

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