
Artificial Intelligence is a Tool for IT Leaders

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 13, 2023 10:23:00 AM

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a valuable tool for information technology (IT) leaders in recent years. With the ability to analyze large volumes of data quickly and accurately, AI can help IT leaders make better decisions, improve operations, and drive innovation. However, some leaders warn that AI poses great potential for harm. 

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Topics: Network, IoT (Internet of Things), IT Manager, Technology, Growth, IT Leader, AI, Other

Are Fiber Optics Eco-friendly?

Posted by MHO Networks on May 23, 2023 9:15:00 AM

The recent awakening concerning our society and its environmental impacts has highlighted many items we produce. Plastics have always been at the forefront of this debate, especially how the raw materials for their production are obtained. Mining worldwide has long been a subject of controversy, mainly due to its environmental impact, but also because of human rights issues

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Topics: Network, Fiber, High Speed Internet, Cable Companies, Internet Service Provider (ISP), IT Manager, Logistics

Take Advantage of Hiring Top Notch IT People Now

Posted by MHO Networks on May 9, 2023 9:15:00 AM

In the historically solvent and stable IT industry, 2022 became a major outlier that saw the introduction of numerous layoffs and retrenchments. High-interest rates, lower marketing spending, and even increased regulatory scrutiny have caused many large companies to rethink priorities and even rescind job offers

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Topics: Internet Connection, IT Manager, Workspace, IT Planning, Team, IT Leader

Benefits of Fixed Wireless in Colorado

Posted by MHO Networks on Apr 12, 2023 9:21:59 AM

Colorado has a unique pattern of weather and terrain conditions that can contribute to Internet reliability problems. Because of this, it is vital to understand the benefits of an alternate Internet method to more traditional options like fiber. Let’s explore the benefits of using Fixed Wireless Internet in Colorado.  

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, network performance, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, IT Manager, Colorado Business, IT Planning, IT Leader

How to Work in IT Asynchronously

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 13, 2022 10:12:56 AM

At this point, we all know the story of the pandemic and the changes it brought to the future of work. Perhaps at the top of the list of changes is the growth and permanence of IT hybrid work. Recent data seems to support the premise that it is here to stay.  

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, Internet Access, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, IT Manager, Workspace, IT Planning, Inclement Weather, Network Engineering

[Infographic] Habits of a Successful IT Leader

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 20, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Have you ever wondered how IT leaders are able to manage a network, team, and everything else in between- especially when things get tough? Here are six habits to incorporate into your routine to help sharpen your skills and be productive in your day-to-day as an IT professional.

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Topics: IT Manager

Preparing Your IT Department for 2021

Posted by MHO Networks on Dec 15, 2020 8:24:19 AM

The structure of your company IT department has likely gone through drastic changes in 2020. More employees than ever are working remotely, causing a dramatic shift in your IT considerations. How we live and the new trend that combines home life with office life will continue to change how we plan the structure and infrastructure of our business. 

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Topics: Network, Internet Access, IT Manager, Workspace, Hybrid Office, Remote Work, IT Planning

Checklist for Reopening

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 24, 2020 10:04:12 AM

After working at home for over a year, is your company ready for reopening? Here's a checklist to help you get prepared for your team to return to the office.

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Topics: IT Manager, Reopening

IT Best Practices for Reopening

Posted by MHO Networks on May 26, 2020 9:15:00 AM

Reopening your company's IT operations after the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns will be anything but business as usual. As the director of IT for your company, it is up to you to formulate a reopening strategy that re-establishes operations and re-instills confidence in your workforce. Here’s a detailed checklist to help you get started. 

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Topics: IT Manager, CIO, Remote, Reopening, Safety

Healthcare and Hospitals: Key IT Priority Checklist for Healthcare and Hospitals in a Health Crisis

Posted by MHO Networks on Mar 31, 2020 10:30:00 AM

As Americans watch the COVID-19 pandemic ramp up from behind the closed doors of homes and businesses, the healthcare industry and local hospitals are gearing up for a massive response. The challenge is unprecedented, and so are the various needs that accompany it. 

New measures are being implemented to speed testing for COVID-19 and the triage process for patients. With an expected rise in those needing testing and treatment, even with stringent containment measures in place, will place greater demands on IT departments for hospitals, physician offices, and other remote locations. 

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Topics: Security, Business Internet, Connectivity, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Low Latency, Healthcare Providers, IT Manager, Fast Installation, Colorado Business, Internet Policies, Dallas Business, Los Angeles Business, Orange County Business, San Diego Business, Hospitals

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