
[Infographic]: We're Unlike Any Other...Get to Know MHO!

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 6, 2018 9:38:00 AM

Ever wonder how MHO is different from other fixed-wireless providers? Get to know us through this infographic and see how we can help you and your business thrive.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Low Latency, Internet Services, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Infographic, Metro Ethernet

Factors and Considerations Installing Fixed Wireless and Fiber Internet

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 31, 2018 9:42:11 AM

No matter your particular industry, healthcare, hospitality, financial, government, multi-tenant commercial buildings, education, and more, internet access is crucial. With all the options available, it can, however, be difficult to decide what form of internet access is best for your organization. What are the advantages of fiber internet? Of fixed wireless internet? In the past, the high-end default option was fiber. Now, installing fixed wireless internet should be given a closer look. 

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Topics: Cloud, High Speed Internet, Business Internet, Connectivity, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Low Latency, Multi-Tenant Internet, Dedicated Internet, Financial Institutions, Healthcare Providers

[Infographic] Fixed Wireless: FACT or FICTION

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 21, 2018 10:26:00 AM

There are many misconceptions of fixed-wireless and it can be difficult to know which facts are true and aren't. Let us help with getting the facts straight:

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, Infographic

How Fixed Wireless Internet Redundancy Helps Keep and Attract Tenants for Properties

Posted by MHO Networks on Jun 13, 2018 10:18:00 AM

Many commercial multi-tenant buildings, hotels, multi-dwelling apartment buildings, don’t have sufficient internet for their tenants. Or, they may allow their tenants to purchase their own connections. The result is multiple suppliers needing access and a host of connections running throughout the building.

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Topics: Fixed Wireless, Low Latency, Internet Services, Multi-Tenant Internet, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless

The Great Myth of the Backup Internet Connection

Posted by MHO Networks on Mar 27, 2018 10:53:11 AM

There's one discovery I seem to make repeatedly in the internet service industry, and that is that businesses are often misled when it comes to the redundancy of their networks.

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Topics: Internet Connection, Redundancy, Dedicated Internet

The Value of Dedicated Internet in Modernizing Operations

Posted by MHO Networks on Mar 5, 2018 6:00:00 AM

It's hard to think of business as needing to modernize; after all, most places have electric power, running water, the best internet connection and so on. What's left to modernize? Well, for those who have kept up with developments on the internet front, there's a whole world of new development waiting in the cloud. Taking advantage of cloud developments isn't as easy as just buying software, however, as cloud developments require a sound foundation of a fully-upgraded network.

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Topics: Cloud, Dedicated Internet

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