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Protecting Yourself from the New “Chaos” Malware

Posted by MHO Networks on Dec 13, 2022 11:21:20 AM

Malware continues to be a leading problem for security. There is a new malware on the block causing a lot of problems, with the versatility to infect and disrupt many types of infrastructure. 

The title “Chaos” Malware, applied by Black Lotus Labs, gets its name from how often the word “chaos” appears in source file names, function names, and X.509 certificates. Dubbed “the Swiss Army knife of malware,” the original code is written in an infrastructure that commands and control. 

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Topics: Network Security, Network Efficiency, Malware

How to Prevent a Collapse like Ticketmaster had in Capacity Planning

Posted by MHO Networks on Dec 7, 2022 12:56:41 PM

By now, everyone has heard about the Ticketmaster fiasco with Taylor Swift concert ticket sales. On November 14, Ticketmaster opened a Verified Fan presale registration, allowing registered Taylor Swift fans to buy tickets before general sales opened. Approximately 1.5 million fans were pre-selected at random, leaving out about 2 million others who had already registered. 

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Topics: Network Access, Network Outages, Capacity Planning

Does TikTok and Social Media Kill Your Company's Network and Productivity?

Posted by MHO Networks on Nov 10, 2022 10:56:02 AM

Social media has been a popular phenomenon since its inception, but the proliferation of video-based platforms has made TikTok and Instagram major players. Using social media at work is not a new issue, but it could take on new significance with increases in bandwidth usage by workers on video-based platforms. 

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Topics: Bandwidth, Productivity, Mobile, Internet Connection, 5g internet, Remote, Working From Home, Workspace, Hybrid Office, Data Usage, Time Management

Rise of Internet Outages Proves the Need for Multiple Internet Options

Posted by MHO Networks on Nov 2, 2022 8:30:00 AM

Wouldn’t you think that the continued use and proliferation of the Internet would mean less outages? Numerous technology improvements and wider Internet availability should lead to better reliability. But, in fact, the opposite has been true. 

This should actually come as no surprise, taking into consideration the aging Internet infrastructure across the United States. A substantial portion of that infrastructure is between 20-30 years old and continues to age. Many older systems are no longer viable to meet the demands of new technology. 
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Topics: Business Internet, Redundancy, Diversity

The Red Tape and Cost Increases of Fiber Installation

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 25, 2022 9:29:00 AM

Whether you’re moving offices or changing warehouse locations, it is vital to consider everything you need from a technology standpoint. Your network may be less glamorous than the building’s facade or property landscaping, but it is one of the most vital aspects of the project. After all, without the backbone of a solid Internet connection, productivity goes out the window. 

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Topics: Business Internet, Fast Installation

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Work Day

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 18, 2022 10:15:00 AM

A typical day for many us at work is to be pulled in multiple directions. "Do you mind taking a looking at this?" asked by one colleague, *PING*, goes a direct message notification from another. So how can you manage your day to finish up your tasks that is due by end of day? Here are 6 ways that you can implement into your schedule to help manage your time.

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Topics: Productivity, Infographic, Remote, Working From Home, Workspace, Time Management

How to Work in IT Asynchronously

Posted by MHO Networks on Oct 13, 2022 10:12:56 AM

At this point, we all know the story of the pandemic and the changes it brought to the future of work. Perhaps at the top of the list of changes is the growth and permanence of IT hybrid work. Recent data seems to support the premise that it is here to stay.  

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Topics: Network, Fixed Wireless, Internet Access, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, IT Manager, Workspace, IT Planning, Inclement Weather, Network Engineering

Time Management Tips for Your Work Day

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 23, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Time management is constantly talked about as a vital part of being productive and improving your work day. IT, technology professionals, and many other professions are now working in the new hybrid or remote work environments. This brings with it difficulties and advantages.

Combining some of the old standby ways to be productive with new methods and ideas will lead you to the greatest success and give you time back in your day to enjoy life away from work. 

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Topics: Productivity, Time Management

Courses to Keep Up With and How to Be Attractive to Employers

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 16, 2022 8:30:00 AM

Technology and your need to keep up with it to attract employers is an ever evolving race. As communication methods grow, the ability to access information and innovations accelerate, scaling your skill set also needs to adapt. 

If you work in technology, you want to be as attractive to employers as possible. This means acquiring and honing the skill sets that are most in demand for technology employers.  

There is no way for us to comprehensively cover all courses available to you in this blog, but what we can do is provide you the resources and some suggestions to keep your portfolio as strong as possible.

Let's first look at what skill sets are the highest in demand. 

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Topics: IT Leader, Network Engineering

The Importance of Marvellously Fast Installations

Posted by MHO Networks on Aug 11, 2022 9:15:00 AM

There are many factors and costs involved in a network installation: from fees, permitting, and supplies that can cause delays to equipment rentals, monthly recurring fees, and the cost of long lead times leading to installation. Many companies are struggling to find a company that can delight and amaze them with a robust network. 

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Topics: Internet Access, Business Internet, Fast Installation, Channel Partner

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