Fixed wireless can be a beneficial proposition for anyone looking for high quality internet access, but in some cases, there are industry-specific applications that make fixed wireless especially worthwhile. Financial institutions in particular have plenty of reasons to bank on fixed wireless as a powerful communications tool.
For Financial Institutions, Fixed Wireless Makes a Great Investment
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Financial Institutions
The Value of Dedicated Internet in Modernizing Operations
It's hard to think of business as needing to modernize; after all, most places have electric power, running water, the best internet connection and so on. What's left to modernize? Well, for those who have kept up with developments on the internet front, there's a whole world of new development waiting in the cloud. Taking advantage of cloud developments isn't as easy as just buying software, however, as cloud developments require a sound foundation of a fully-upgraded network.
Topics: Cloud, Dedicated Internet
[Infographic]: Fixed Wireless Vs. Terrestrial Internet
Topics: Bandwidth, Fixed Wireless, Low Latency, Internet Connection, Infographic
A quote, commonly attributed to Franz Kafka, sums up the nature of redundancy and its ultimate value: “Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.” We live our lives according to this principle in one way or another: we hide a front door key near the house, we carry spare tires and jumper cables in our cars, we buy generators and stock freezers. Redundancy is not a waste of time, as long as it's used the right way.
Topics: Internet Connection, Redundancy
In the modern business environment, protecting your network from downtime is of paramount importance. Avoid the loss of customers and reputation by taking the necessary steps to prevent downtime.
Topics: Network, Downtime, Uptime, Security, Hardware, Infographic
Is Your Network Ready for a Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is on a lot of minds these days, especially as more and more business operations adopt emerging technologies. Getting your network ready to make more moves into the digital era -- if you haven't already -- will therefore be a high priority of the coming year. But what do you need to know to get the network up to snuff, and how does your internet service play a role?
Topics: Network, Digital Transformation
How Fixed Wireless Fulfills Multi-Tenant Internet Needs
Not so long ago, a business planning a move to a certain location would ask how the schools were, or how the highways were, as important factors in deciding whether or not to set up in a certain town. Now, one of the most frequently asked questions is how the internet service is. Multi-tenant internet needs are changing as tenants look for high speeds. Building owners can benefit from high-end connectivity, and for some buildings out there, that includes fixed wireless service.
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Multi-Tenant Internet
Come On, Come On...Latency and the User Experience
For anyone who's ever found themselves staring at a monitor, annoyed, while a page or a function tries to load, muttering blackly about system performance issues, you've just discovered first-hand why latency is a problem to be avoided as much as possible. Latency is not just a problem for gamers—though it is a problem for them too—and it's the kind of problem that can hurt a business in several directions.
Topics: High Speed Internet, Security, Low Latency, network performance
How to Pick the Right Hardware for Your Internet Connection
When it comes to selecting hardware for your enterprise's internet connection, it's easy to go with the off-the-shelf options. After all, they are easy to find at your local Best Buy, not that expensive, and will probably get the job done, right? Not so fast.
Topics: Internet Connection, Internet Services, Hardware
The virtual private network (VPN) isn't exactly new; variants of this technology have been around for years. Thanks to recent events on the world stage, however, they're coming into particular vogue as a means to add security and protect data privacy. With increasing use of the VPN, some are wondering if these tools are putting more strain on internet connections, and just what kind of internet demands VPNs are incurring as a cost of doing business.
Topics: Bandwidth, SDN, Virtual Private Networks, Network Security, VPNs