When looking for an internet connection, what are the most important factors for your business? As the saying goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
Topics: Network, Internet Access, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Infographic
Who ever thought that such a major portion of our lives could be disrupted by such small variables? Most of the world depends on the Internet for essential communications. And yet this global configuration is affected by Internet outage causes that range from complex to mundane.
Topics: Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, IT Manager
Internet service is viewed as a basic utility now in most circles, much like water, sewer, and electricity. Few homes and businesses can do without it. Your current ISP enjoys a huge field of business because of the Internet’s popularity. In fact, there is an ongoing movement that believes Internet access is not just another commodity, but a basic human right.
Topics: Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Internet Services
What is the Difference Between Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint Fixed Wireless?
When choosing
Point-to-multipoint microwave
While this is often listed in the technical specs, what is the buyer actually deciding on - what are they gaining or losing when selecting either option?
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Point-to-Point Microwave, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, FCC Licensed
Does your belief system impact your decisions? Does the cereal go into the bowl first, or the milk? Why? Or, here’s one for all families: should the end of the toilet paper roll hang over or under? When it comes to internet over fixed wireless or general internet decision making, does what you already believe to be true color your decisions?
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Services, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, IT Manager
Speed. Mention internet connections and speed is the first, usually the only, thing a customer asks about. And, in today’s digital climate, fiber is the de facto medium for fast internet speeds. A fiber optic internet connection is the ultimate in speed and reliability for today’s enterprise environment.
Topics: Fiber, Internet Access, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Internet Services
Is the Internet a commodity or a basic human right? In early 2015, in his State of the Union Address, President Obama stated, “I intend to protect a free and open Internet, extend its reach to every classroom, and every community, and help folks build the fastest network.”
Topics: Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection, Internet Services
What Does it Mean to have or get a FCC Licensed Radio?
When or why would anyone want an FCC license? And if your interest is in fixed wireless internet solutions, should you be interested? After all, fixed wireless is transmitted across the airwaves, so it makes sense that the FCC would somehow be involved. And, if you are investigating fixed wireless solutions, FCC licensing is part of the overall mix.
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Dedicated Internet, Point-to-Point Fixed Wireless, FCC Licensed
What Questions Should You Ask Before Committing to an Internet Service Provider?
Different businesses have varying internet service needs to carry out their work. Some need an always-on, high-speed connection that can carry huge amounts of data. Others need a readily available, stable connection through which to carry out transactions. Once you have decided on the internet service requirements for your business, there are still some important questions to ask before committing to an internet service provider (ISP).
Topics: Fixed Wireless, Business Internet, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet Connection
Who's Really Calling the Shots?: The Psychology Behind Connectivity Decisions in the Enterprise
While we all like to think we’re completely in charge of our decisions, most of us are far more susceptible to psychological influences than we realize. This isn’t only the case in our personal lives. At work too, many of the decisions we make are largely determined by forces we’re simply unaware of.
Topics: Business Internet, Connectivity, microwave transmission, Internet Service Provider (ISP), enterprise, Internet Services