
Stop Waiting Months to Get Internet Installed

Posted by MHO Networks on Jul 21, 2020 9:30:00 AM

Stop Waiting for Internet

Your business needs an enterprise Internet installation in a new building or location. Fast upload and download speeds are essential, as well as guaranteed uptime and instant assistance when problems arise. Obviously, you shop among the local ISPs for the best deal and service, but all of them tell you the same story - an incredibly long wait time for installation.

That’s if you are lucky enough to discover an ISP that will tell you the truth. A quick search on Google for “how long to internet installations take” results in numerous articles by the major ISPs claiming to complete new installations within four days! Sadly, as you ask around with other nearby businesses, that is simply not the case.

Shouldn’t There Be a Better Process By Now?

Horror stories abound about how long it takes for Internet service installations. Backlogs in installation scheduling, obtaining permits, the physical work of digging trenches and laying cable, plus the work of running cables and installing the equipment in your building can literally take months.

You wouldn’t dream of hiring an electrician who quoted a time frame of four months to install an electrical outlet. And yet, this is the accepted norm for enterprise Internet installations. An occasional legitimate delay can be pinpointed for some installations, such as an older building with antiquated telecom or circuit systems.

But the main reason for such incredible delays is poor customer service and sluggish, unmotivated service technicians. Monopolies tend to breed such indifference. Shouldn’t there be a better process for enterprise Internet installations by now?  

Fast Installations & Reliable Service with Fixed Wireless Internet

Actually, there is an option for fast installation of reliable, high-speed enterprise Internet service. Fixed wireless Internet from MHO is guaranteed to be up and running at your business location within 10 business days of signing a contract.

Plus, with Fixed Wireless Internet from MHO, you get:

Lightning Fast Speeds - Bandwidth begins at 20Mbps and can be increased on request within 24 hours - usually the same day. Plus, enjoy full duplex-synchronous upload and download speeds with extremely low latency.

Guaranteed Reliability - MHO guarantees the ultimate in reliable service with 99.9% uptime stipulated in your SLA.

No Interference  - Carrier-class, FCC-licensed, point-to-point microwave connections that avoid interference and the fastest routes to the Internet.

Better Security - Static IP addresses, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Routing, Layer 2 and Layer 3 options.

Superior Customer Service - Best in Class 24/7 monitoring and support to handle any problems or service requests quickly and efficiently.

Is this really possible? YES! Many companies just like yours are thrilled to enjoy MHO fixed wireless networking and Internet services. What about you? Are you ready to explore the possibilities of a fixed wireless Internet installation for your company? Call MHO at (877) WANT-MHO to check for availability in your area.



Topics: Fixed Wireless, High Speed Internet, Business Internet

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