Topics: Network, WAN (Wide Area Network), Digital Transformation, Automation
Most everyone who works online to any degree already knows how important it is to have a backup system. Whether that backup is an alternative connection or a drive to the nearest coffee shop with Wi-Fi, having that backup can save a lot of business. Fixed wireless is often considered an excellent backup, but fixed wireless is more than just a backup solution. Having that backup can save companies a lot of revenue and headaches.
Topics: Fixed Wireless
MHO will be exhibiting at the Channel Partners 2017 show, at Booth #637. The show will be from April 11th-13th at Mandalay Bay's Convention Center. During the show, MHO will have at the
Is RF Exposure a Concern in Point-to-Point Microwave?
Over the years, microwave technology has received some negative assumptions and still does to this day. One of these assumptions claimed that exposure to microwave frequencies cause some health concerns, such as cancer. And for some organizations and decision makers, that may be a significant deterrent from utilizing an alternative technology for their network.